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Anti-Wrinkle Treatment | Lower Face 20 - 30 minutes

Online booking is currently unavailable. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.

Service variants

Brow Lift
Bunny Lines
Smoker’s Lines
Down-Turned Mouth Corners
Gummy Smile
Cobblestone Chin
2 Areas Lower Face
Masseters (from €250)
Nefertiti Neck Procedure (from €250)
Underarm Hyperhydrosis


Anti-wrinkle injections have revolutionised cosmetic treatments and is
now one of the most popular treatments to slow the signs of ageing. A
non-surgical cosmetic procedure that is designed to safely relax various
muscles of the face and neck. Anti-wrinkle injections are administered
by our highly experienced doctor at glo Skin Clinic. Treatments are
short, effective and safe, resulting in a natural, more relaxed,
youthful look.